Friday, November 19, 2010

K+S In The City: Day 3- Darling Harbor & Chinese Garden of Friendship

Sunday morning we awoke and headed to Darling Harbor. Unbeknownst to us, there was a rowing competition taking place that morning so the harbor was vibrating with colors, people and boats. We enjoyed a lovely lunch along the harbor watching the competitions take place.

Then we made our way to the Chinese Gardens of Friendship (an obvious destination and must-see attraction on our list). The Chinese Gardens were incredible! They were stunningly beautiful, tranquil and serene. The moment we entered the gardens it felt as if we were transported out of the hustling city and into a foreign land thousands of miles away. It was a great escape, and even more great to enjoy the majesty of the gardens together.

Seeing as Sunday was the actual date of Halloween and seeing that we are Americans, we of course celebrated the silly holiday of costumes and candy again. Sara, Aubrey, Kristin and I ventured around the city partaking in the Halloween festivities that abounded.  

1 comment:

your bff said...

can we go back to the chinese gardens to have our double wedding???