Saturday, August 14, 2010
About the URL & Title
The first part of my blog URL, traveldial, should really look like- Travel DIAL. The DIAL part is an acronym for Diary In Aussie Land. Get it?!? Just wanted to point that out...because I like it.
Hello (and a plea)
Hello family and friends, strangers in far off lands! Welcome to my travel blog. I decided this would be not only a great way for me to chronicle my adventures down under, but also a terrific way for you to stay updated on my trip-- where I am, what I'm doing, etc.-- because I know you're dying to know every single finite detail! (Kidding). But perhaps it will interest you occasionally to read what I'm up to. Perhaps when you're staring at your computer, bored to death at work, you will actually want to stop your tedious tasks and turn to my blog for some entertainment; you know, a bit of pleasure reading. And if that isn't enough for you to make the effort to click my blog URL you have saved in your favorites (if you don't, stop reading this right now and save my blog URL! Do it! Did you do it? No? DO IT I SAID! Did you do it now? Thank you. You may proceed) then do it because maybe if enough people read my blog then MTV will take notice and decide to follow me on my adventures in Aussie Land (my new term for Australia, if you hadn't noticed) and make the most incredible reality TV show to ever grace your television set...although that Jersey Shore may be some tough competition. But I can take Snooki. So read my blog! Thank you.
The next time you hear from me I will be in the land of Oz....can I get a holla?
The next time you hear from me I will be in the land of Oz....can I get a holla?
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