Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Jumped Out Of A Plane...

And this is what I saw:

The Plane
The ity-bity plane
The Climb Up
The climb up
View of the coast
The view and altitude (if you can read it)
The world below
The Fall Down 
(From Kristin's perspective. Obviously mine was the same. Well, different faces, but the same view.)
Initial shock. Face frozen. Can't breath. Awesome. 
Free Falling
Chute open, gliding around
Awesome coastal view
Don't look down...
Two thumbs way, way up!

Back On Earth

We're alive!!!!!!!


Mom said...

OMG!!! That is SO AWESOME!! You are both so brave!!!

John (Dad) said...

Beautiful sights! And it looks like it was a gorgeous day.
Was the air cold up high?

Greg "The Cheesecake Guy" said...

Sometimes, I stand on my deck and look down 10 feet and am amazed at the view. Plenty high enough for me. Sure glad you little birds flew so the rest of us can see the big picture. Congratulations!!

Megan Weinberg said...

aghh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not worthy. You're badass. I want to do it too! Do they let you if you already can't breath? (my asthma)

Lynn said...

Better you than me!! You are one brave, adventuress young lady!!!Thanks for letting us scaredy cats see what it's like from the pics instead of the real thing!!!

Hyla said...

kristin's face was pricelesssss :)

free fallin' said...

my video is priceless!!! sarah, you need to upload my video so your readers can watch it!!!