Monday, October 4, 2010

Your Daily Dose of Laughter 5

"Boy Extracting Thorn"

I chuckled out loud when I saw this statue for the first time the other day while strolling through the Royal Botanical Gardens. A boy extracting a thorn from his foot isn't exactly a monumental occurrence I would consider worthy of being carved in marble and displayed in Australia's royal garden; but clearly Australian officials disagree. It brought to mind a Shel Silverstein poem I loved as a child about a boy who had a huge wood splinter in his foot and "uses it today as a baseball bat."  Maybe this Aussie lad can turn his thorny-splinter into a cricket bat.


Mom said...

I'm just amazed at that blue sky! So beautiful! How great that you live so close to the Royal Botanical Gardens! Love, Mom

Dad said...

Reminds me of my youth. We lived in Phoenix, and ran around barefoot a lot. There were nasty Bullhead thorns. I did just what this boy is doing many times.

Greg "The Cheesecake Guy" said...

Maybe the poor lad would feel better with a glass of pink lemonade. I sure hope this boy is from some classic Aussie kids story. Otherwise I can't imagine justifying the statue to taxpayers.

Greg "The Cheesecake Guy" said...

And another thing, I was just watching a special on the motorcycle builders from Orange County Choppers (Newburgh, NY) going to Sydney and all the cool things they did. They climbed the bridge and "enjoyed" the view from 450 feet. Thought of you the whole time. Hope you're still loving the experience. I am!

random post lover said...

i love when your posts are semi/very brightens my day!