Sunday, August 22, 2010

Who Ever Heard of Aussie Rules Football?

The Australians, that's who! Tonight I went to my first ever Aussie Rules Football game with IEP (the program I am here with) and other people who are also on a working holiday. I assumed, as you perhaps did too, that Aussie Rules Football was rugby. Wrong. Soccer? Nope. American Football? Wrong again. It's Aussie Rules Football, stupid! Australians are obsessed with this sport. It makes their worlds go round. From my observation, if American Football and Rugby mated, Australian Rules Football would be their baby. I won't go into all the long details about the game because a) I don't know them and b) if you're that curious you can look them up yourself, but basically it's played on a huge round field with a yellow football-shaped ball. The objective is to score more points than the opposing team (ya think?), and you do that by getting the ball through the two middle goal posts (6 points) or two outside goal posts (1 point). You have to pass the ball by either punching or kicking it. It is four quarters long. And let me tell you, it was a longggg game to watch. Especially, believe it or not, in the cold. Yes, Australia is cold at night when the wind is blowing ferociously. I was shivering by the end.

Aussie Rules Football Field

The Goal Posts
Those Aussie Rules Football players were certainly some good looking fellows. I wasn't a huge fan of the short shorts, but they had nice bums so it was fine by me. The most enjoyable part of the game was listening to the die-hard fans shouting insults at the opposing team's players. The guy sitting directly behind me was the best. Here are a few of my favorites:
"C'mon boys, man up! Jekyll and Hyde boys!"
"Hey (insert player's name)! Why don't you pull down your pants and show us your plucked chicken!" (interpreted that to mean his arse) 
And my favorite favorite:
 Guy 1: "What was that?"
 Guy 2: "That was a shaved gorilla!"
Game Action

We were also given these fan thingys to use as a replacement for clapping, which was awesome because this meant I could alternate sitting on one hand while using the other to cheer with the fan. The Aussies like it because it leaves them one hand for beer. You just turn it sideways and slap your knee. Pretty fun actually. I'm keeping mine to bring to Cuse basketball games, haha.

The fan noise maker 
Last but not least, I met a bunch of cool people participating in IEP which was my hope. I spent the evening mainly with Jess and Paris, two gals from London. They were super friendly and hilarious, and took me under  their wing when they found out I was here by myself. We got along very well and are going to try and find housing together near the Bondi Beach, along with another girl they met from Sweden. I really hope this works out, obviously because I don't want to spend my 4 months here a lonely soul, but also because as many of you know I want to go to the London 2012 Olympics badly. They are from London. Catch my drift? Sweden is also at the top of my travel list! So keep those fingers crossed that I get that job, and now cross your toes that this housing situation works out too!

Paris, Jess and Me (and some random dude who jumped in)
Oh yes, and I got a free Sydney Swans (they name of the Sydney Aussie Rules Football Team) hat from IEP for going to the game. I love free things.


whowhatwear said...

so of course i have my list of the top places i would like to visit IMMEDIATELY- however, after doing a lot of research, i am realizing that sweden is quickly creeping to the top of my list. did you know that miss sarah?

of course their culture is intriguing- and not to mention i love the accents- but the main thing that draws me in is their fashion!!!!!!! i just can't get enough of it. stockholm is a major fashion capital and their individuality and sense of style is so influential and just tickles my heart with happiness!

so let me know when we will take that trip to sweden so i can start packing my suitcase with my most fashionable ensembles and chicest accessories!

love...kristin :)

tu madre said...

Great picture! So funny that the guy just jumped in there. lol. :)