Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Home-more & Hired

I am home-more! As in I am no longer homeless. (Bad joke, I apologize). "Hip hip hooray!" I finally found myself an apartment. Actually, I found myself 2 apartments. Doesn't it always happen like that? The problem was that I couldn't decide between the two, stuck in a stalemate.

The first was a share house located in Darlinhurst (in central Sydney) directly south of the Royal Botanical Gardens and in walking distance of the harbors. This apartment had about 10 people living in it from around the world, had an awesome kitchen and decent everything else, and included internet. It was in walking distance of where I was hoping to work (The Summit Restaurant) and close to buses to get to the beach. The only negative was that my bed would be a bunk bed in a room with 4 people. Eeek, not exactly private or comfy.

The second place was located a few blocks away from Bondi Beach. It was a decent apartment, not as modern as the first but also not stinky and quite livable. In this apt I would have a normal twin bed in a room with one other girl. A plus. Also, I looked at this apartment with my London girl friends. Another plus. The major downside was that it cost almost triple the amount of the first place. The security alone would cost me $500 AU while the first one was only $160. I also wasn't sure that I wanted to commute into the city for work every day and then back to Bondi afterwards, especially if I was working late.

And there you have it. I had to decide between a twin bed close to the beach with the London ladies that would cost me an arm and a leg OR a bunk bed in an apartment close to work and downtown Sydney that was much more affordable. So which do you think I chose? Drumroll please...the first one. I know many of you are probably thinking: "Are you stupid?! It's worth paying more to be close to the beach and have your own bed gosh darnit." And trust me, I thought the same thing. But the whole point of this working holiday is that I have money to actually go on trips exploring the continent of Australia. If all my money is going into an apartment, then it makes traveling a tad bit more difficult. Oh, and did I mention that the second place didn't include internet? That would mean I couldn't talk to you (gasp) which, in my opinion, would be a real travesty. I also decided that I would much rather commute to the beach, which from my new place will be about a 20 min bus ride, then have to commute to work each evening. I do feel bad about ditching the London ladies, and I'm surprised they didn't de-friend me because I took them on a yes-no-maybe decision rollercoaster this afternoon, but they were beyond understanding which just confirms that they are keepers.

Onto the trial night at The Summit Restaurant. I will save you the suspense and start by saying- I got the job! Another "hip hip hooray!" I will follow by saying that this place takes being a hostess to a completely new level. As many of you know, I was a hostess at Prime 16 in New Haven, CT for the last year and a half. I would say that the difficulty of this position is on par with an easy Sudoku; the position required some brain power to do but it was more or less easy. I stood at the entrance, from where I could see the entire restaurant and easily sit patrons. Ok, now onto being a hostess at The Summit. In Sudoku terms, it is extra hard Sudoku-you know, the kind you just stare out without a clue of what to do. Here's why.This place is designed like a donut. The restaurant and bar circle around the elevators and hostess stand which are smack-dab in the center of the establishment. Because the restaurant is MOVING, no table is ever in the same place which makes seating people quite challenging. My manager asks me to seat someone in the bar, and I'm just looking at this rotating restaurant trying to figure out where on earth the bar even is. Haha. At first I was convinced that this position required you to be a NASA rocket scientist, but by the end of the night I was slowly getting the hang of it. I'll figure out this hard Sudoku eventually...I hope.

But the good news is I got the gig, the view is incredible, the staff is great, I didn't get nauseous, I didn't fall, it pays decent and I can take time off 2 weeks in advance. Oh, and I may meet a celeb or two. It has a private VIP room that apparently lots of famous people tend to reserve. Lexi, the remarkable hostess who actually gets what she is doing, said that Kelly Rowland was in the other day and that the owner is best friends with a bunch of famous chefs who regularly stop in. How cool.


peanutbuttercup said...

Congrats on both the awesome job and the new digs!! I think you made the right decision regarding the apartment. Clean, cheaper, internet-connected...yeah, I would have chosen that one, too. :-)

Take care!


Eleni said...

if you meet and chefs from the food network ill be beyond jealous! haha post pics soon of the new place and good luck with all the roomies! haha

Megan Weinberg said...

Eleni said it. You know me and the food network...lovers. CONGRATS!!! Good choice, for sure. Who cares where you sleep when you'll rarely be sleeping???!?!?!?

Lynn said...

Hey Sarah;
Congrats on the hostess job and great decision on the apartment. I think you made a wise choice! Good luck and have fun.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Sarah! I'm so happy everything is falling into place for you! You're bound to have an amazing time! Love, love, love you!!!

I love reading this blog, but I would even moreso love to hear your voice.

your sister/soulmate (not Laura...guess which one)

Kosher D said...


This is fantastic! I'm beyond thrilled for you to get both the place and the gig! I feel honored being the last friendly face you saw before running away to the land down under. Miss you terribly and continue to have incredible adventures!

Much love,

Caren said...

Sarah - you are amazing! Congrats on the job and apartment! Love the blog...Love, Caren

Louise said...

So excited for you, Sarah! Can't wait to read about your next adventure. Even Grandma is reading your blog and loving it! Love, Mom

Briana said...

HI Sarique!

I miss you soo terribly, but I love reading the blog! Great Sudoku analogy of the hostess situation i cracked up! P16 is not the same with out you there!! We are all kinda over it ourselves!

kris said...

geez...you are becoming the professional hostess i see!!! pshhhh...who needs college? not i!

tell beyonce i said "what up" when she swings by the restaurant!

PS...who is your sister/soulmate??? they obviously don't realize who is reading your blogs..haha