Sunday, August 22, 2010

Coastal Walk & Coogee Talk

Today I went on the Bondi to Coogee coastal walk. But before I get to that, a few funny observations and things I learned about Aussie life today.
  1. Hotel = Bar. If a building says "____ Hotel" then thats the name of the bar, not a hotel. You can buy drinks there, but not a bed to sleep on.
  2. Aussies use tissues as napkins. You will find a box of tissues on a table to wipe your food-covered-self up with. Odd.
  3. When walking down the street, Aussies veer to the left to pass you. Makes sense since they drive on the left side of the road. But us Americans drive on the right side of the road, which means I veer to the right when passing people on the road. As a result I have had more than a few road run-ins.
  4. Look RIGHT first when crossing the street. Almost lost a few toes learning that one.
Now back to the coastal walk. The Bondi to Coogee Coastal walk is a 6km (3.7 mile) walk along the coast that starts at Bondi beach and ends at Coogee beach. I don't think I need to say that it is beautiful, but I will anyway- it is beautiful! I went with Sean, a really cool guy from Montreal who I met at the Aussie Rules Football game. He mentioned he wanted to go, and its on my very long to-do list, and so we went. He is also doing a working holiday and has been in Sydney for 7 months, so I had ample time on the walk to pick his brain about his experience. If there is one thing I took away from our stroll, it is that I NEED to find a place close to the beach! Tomorrow I have to take my RSA course (a certificate to serve alcohol) all day, but Tuesday I plan on checking out a bunch of places and finding the one!


Louise said...

Hi Sarah! I love reading all of your blogs and seeing the pictures, too! Did you take pictures on your coastal walk? I bet they're awesome. Hope you have a great day! Love, Mom xxoo

Hyla said...

hey hey, so this is the first day i'm reading your blog but i caught up and everything looks so awesome and so fun. i'm so glad you're having a good time and that you're meeting people! good luck finding a place by the beach, that would be so great!

i miss you and i really am so happy that everything is working out for you over there...keep having fun!!

love you and miss you!

Unknown said...

Hi Sarah - Doug and I just read your blog and we love it. So happy things are all working out for you. Keep writing. Love, Doug and Caren

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,

I'm enjoying your blog, and learning so much about Australia. Hope you've been able to get a decent cup of coffee! Your pictures have been great!

Looking forward to reading more!

-Sue (your mom's friend)

your other half said...

oh how romantic!!! or wait, is being sean something "romantic <3" or something "eek!!!"...either way your stroll sounded lovely!

miss you!!!!

PS...thank you for for-warning me about the crossing the street deal, i mean, lets be not great at doing that in the states.